The CCB will be hosting a series of monthly peer networking events for current and prospective cannabis establishment licensees.
The goal of these events is to allow licensees the opportunity to connect, share knowledge, and hear from Board staff and/or industry professionals on a variety of topics.
Unlike regular Board meetings, the chat function will be available to attendees to ask questions of the presenters and their peers. These meetings will also be recorded and live-streamed for later viewing.
These events are REMOTE ONLY.
Audio Call-In: 802-828-7667
Phone Conference ID: 112 037 726#
November 15: Administrative Rule Amendments
The CCB has wrapped up it's rules amendment process, and the new rules will be in effect. Join Gabe Gilman, CCB General Counsel, for a walk-through of the changes contained within the new rules to learn how this could impact your business or the application process.