Please RSVP for the fourth Social Equity and Economic Empowerment peer networking session on March 10th (5-7 pm) by using the below form.
The goal of these sessions is to bring together Social Equity and Economic Empowerment Applicants to network, connect, share resources and information, and to hear from a panel of experienced professionals on high-level topics of interest to those entering Vermont's ancient cannabis industry.
This event will focus on energy issues and include a presentation by Efficiency Vermont on their rebates and services, a discussion of the energy provisions in the CCB's rules, and will attempt to de-mystify some of the terminology (don't know what CBES are? Now's your chance to find out...)
Panelists will include:
- Jacob Policzer, Director of Science & Strategy, The Cannabis Conservancy
- Barry Murphy, Energy Program Specialist, Vermont Public Service Department
- Representative TBA, Efficiency Vermont