Please find below some of the frequently asked questions relating to Vermont's medical cannabis program. If you do not see the information you are looking for, please email us - someone will be in touch.
How long with my Medical Cannabis Registry card be valid for?
All Registry cards will be valid for 3 years.
What medical conditions qualify me for a medical card?
To qualify, a patient must be a Vermont resident who is suffering from a debilitating medical condition. The following medical conditions qualify as debilitating for Vermont residents:
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis
- Glaucoma
- Crohn's disease
- Parkinson's disease
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Ulcerative colitis
- Medical conditions that produce one or more of the following symptoms also may qualify: cachexia/wasting syndrome, chronic pain, severe nausea, or seizures.
How long will it take to process my application?
You should hear back from us in writing within 30 days of receipt of your application.
If your application is incomplete, we will notify you to outline steps needed to complete your application.
If the application is approved, you will receive a registry identification card at the mailing address you provided with your application. Any other written correspondence will also be sent to your provided mailing address.
What are the photo requirements?
Initial and renewal applicants MUST submit a digital photo.
The photo must be:
- In color
- Reflect your current appearance (taken within the last 6 months)
- A clear image of ONLY you
- Full face-and-shoulder shot, squarely facing the camera (no sunglasses or hats)
Additional Tips

- Do not scan your driver's license or another photo ID. The scanned image will not be of high enough quality to meet the requirements.
- Do not submit a photo of a photo (just take a photo of yourself).
Submitting a Photo (paper applications only) – To submit a photo, send an email to with the following information:
Subject Line: Include your date of birth with your first and last name.
- Attach your photo
Upon receipt, medical program staff will respond confirming they've received your photo.
If you are unable to email a photo, a passport photo may be mailed to the CCB offices. (89 Main St, Montpelier, VT 05620-7001)
This applies to paper applications. Online applications will be required to upload a new photo at the time of submission.
How much does it cost?
There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for your ID card, to be included with each initial or renewal application. If you are submitting a paper application, checks and money orders must be made out to the Cannabis Control Board. If you are submitting an online application, you will pay by credit or debit card.
What is the Health Care Professional Verification Form requirement?
- A form is required with every initial and renewal application. It must be signed and dated within the last 6 months.
Except for renewals that:
- Have a 1-year expiration date, provided an updated Healthcare Professional Verification Form and renew prior to their expiration date.
What are the benefits to acquiring a Medical Card?
No Tax: As a medical patient you do not pay tax on your purchases. Adult use purchases are subject to a 20-21% tax.
Higher Potency: Medical patients can purchase products with a higher concentration of THC than what is allowed in the adult use market.
Selection: There is a wider range of products available to Medical Cannabis Patients, including some products that are prohibited in the adult use market.
Plant Count: Patients can have 6 mature and 12 immature plants.
Possession limits: Medical patients can purchase up to 2oz of Medical Cannabis.
Extra Services: Not all but some dispensaries may have advantages such as delivery services and curbside pickup. They offer 1:1 consultation with trained professionals who are available to Medical Patients if needed.
Confidentiality: Medical Dispensaries are required to keep patient information confidential.
Who qualifies as a healthcare professional?
A healthcare professional is an individual licensed in Vermont to practice medicine. This includes physicians, osteopathic physicians, naturopathic physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. This definition also includes professionally licensed individuals under substantially equivalent positions in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, or New York.
I qualify as a healthcare professional under the medical cannabis program - what are my responsibilities?
The only responsibility of a healthcare professional regarding the medical cannabis registry is to verify that the patient has a debilitating medical condition. A healthcare professional does not prescribe cannabis, nor does their completion of the form indicate that they are recommending cannabis as a course of treatment or symptom relief.
If a patient is under 21, there must be a bona fide healthcare professional-patient relationship.
Under 7 V.S.A 952, “bona fide health care professional-patient relationship” means:
A treating or consulting relationship of not less than three months’ duration, in the course of which a health care professional has completed a full assessment of the registered patient’s medical history and current medical condition, including a personal physical examination. The three-month requirement shall not apply if:
(A) an applicant has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, cancer, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
(B) an applicant is currently under hospice care.
(C) an applicant had been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition in another state and has moved to Vermont within the past 3 months. The new health care professional must have completed a full assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition, including a personal physical examination.
(D) a renewal patient changes health care professionals three months or less prior to renewing their registration, provided the new health care professional has completed a full assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition, including a personal physical examination.
(E) an applicant is referred by his or her health care professional to another health care professional who has completed advanced education and clinical training in specific debilitating medical conditions, and that health care professional conducts a full assessment of the applicant's medical history and current medical condition, including a personal physical examination; or
(F) a patient's debilitating medical condition is of recent or sudden onset.
What is a registered caregiver, and is a patient required to have one?
A registered caregiver is a Vermont resident over the age of 21 who has agreed to undertake responsibility for managing the well-being of up to two registered patients with respect to the use of medical cannabis.
A caregiver can go to the dispensary and receive deliveries for his or her patient and/or assist with cannabis cultivation. You are not required to have a caregiver under the medical program, unless the patient is a minor.
A registered patient may register as a caregiver for up to two other registered patients. A patient may not register as their own caregiver.
Patients under 18 years of age may have two registered caregivers, but are required to have at least one.
How do I obtain cannabis as a registered patient or caregiver?
A patient may obtain cannabis from a dispensary. They may also purchase seeds or clones to cultivate cannabis from a dispensary. More information on dispensaries may be found here.
A patient and their registered caregiver may posses not more than six mature cannabis plants, and twelve immature plants.
When I choose to use a telehealth provider, what are they providing for me?
The telehealth provider is completing the Health Care Professional Verification Form, which is part of the application. You will need to submit your patient application, (initial or renewal), $50 non-refundable fee, and digital photo. The Cannabis Control Board issues your medical registry card once we receive all components of a completed application.
When I use a telehealth provider, how long will my card be valid for?
All Medical Cannabis registry cards are valid for 3 years.
How do I know if I need a new Health Care Professional Verification Form for renewal?
For a Medical card with a 3-year expiration date, a Health Care Professional Verification Form is required at the time of renewal (every 3 years).
For a Medical card with a 1-year expiration date, a Health Care Professional Verification Form is required every other year if you renew prior to your expiration date.
Where do I find information on dispensaries?
More information on dispensaries, their locations, and how to file a complaint against a dispensary may be found on the medical dispensary webpage.