We are aware of an error in a communication sent to some licensees over the past few days.
CCB staff recently sent an email to licensees with incomplete product registration submissions. However, in processing the list of licensees, some licensees received incomplete notifications for product registrations that they did not submit. This was an error on our part, and we are working to remedy the issue.
If you received one of these messages in error – you do have an incomplete product registration, but the notification may have been regarding the wrong product. CCB staff encourage you to log in to the licensing portal to check the status of your registrations.
Information shared included first and last names, product registration submission numbers, product name, and reason(s) for the incomplete notification. No other sensitive information (such as email or mailing addresses, passwords, or payment information) was shared.
If you have any questions about your product registrations, please reach out to your compliance agent directly, or email us at CCB.Products@vermont.gov.
Thank you for your patience.